Friday, August 22, 2008

Soul Calibur IV Demo Hits Xbox Live Arcade

A Soul Calibur IV demo is available on Xbox Live Arcade, with a download size slightly shy of 700MB.

No love for the PS3, Namco? =(

Play as Nightmare or Cassandra in Story mode, or Nightmare or Cassandra in Versus mode. There is no online play.

Source: Xboxer


d3adc0d3 said...

Because they hate you, Masa. :-D

Masa said...

I am totally regretting my decision to sell my 360 now.


Anonymous said...

Soul Caliber looks awesome I’m so glad that Xbox has a free Demo for download, I really want to try out the Starwars characters. I am curious if the PS3 version is different or better. If you want to try both versions or just need one of the systems you have to checkout this sweet contest stacker 2 has got going on where you design your own 6 hour power t-shirt. The winner gets a year’s supply of 6 Hour Power, 10 t-shirts with your own design on it, an Xbox 360 or a PS3, and a copy of Rise of the Argonauts. For all the contest details checkout this link:
I hope I didn’t overstep my bounds by posting on your blog, and if you have any questions or want more info feel free to shoot me an email. Let me know if you design a T-shirt I would love to see it!
Feel it fast.
Energy that lasts!
Elle Davis
Brand Ambassador